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Our recent Experience...

By John Sparks @ GoGoHopping.com


Love You Short-time?

We've been to Toy Box and we've written a blog about our experience.

  Pattaya |  Thailand

Toy Box is a very popular short-time bar located in Soi 6, Pattaya. Toy Box is one of many bars owned on Soi 6 by the Nightwish group of bars. The majority of girls working in Toy Box are average looking but there are also some stunners too. However, the reason that so many go to Toy Box is for their naughtiness. The girls are also very experienced and are quickly able to judge, a few seconds after you enter the bar, whether you are a Pattaya bar regular or a first time visitor. Of course, the experience you have and the attitude of the girls towards you will depend largely on your experience and how you handle yourself in the bar. Overall on my last few visits, the girls in Toy Box were more friendly and less pushy than other bars in the area I have visited recently.


How it works...

You can have a drink at the bar before you choose the girl for the deed, or you can skip the drink and head straight for the private room

  Pattaya  |  Thailand

Once inside, you'll find that Toy Box is one of the most popular bars in Pattaya. There is lots of fun to be had. Once seated, You can choose a girl to come and sit with you. Here you can experience Toy Box's naughty reputation first hand. Want to take your new found friend somewhere more private? Whether short-time or long-time, you're in for an unforgettable experience. The bar staff each have their own prices which usually depend on you! amongst other things. Below we have written a blog of our experiences.


What to look at next..

Below, we have written a blog about our experience.


First Time Experience
August, 2017

Having seen Sao posting sexy and fun looking pictures and videos on Facebook, I added her as a friend hoping to get to know her better. I had been her friend on Facebook for a while when I arrived in Pattaya for vacation and was keen to arrange to meet her. I sent her a private message and we arranged to meet at Toy Box bar on Soi six, an imfamous short-time bar street in Pattaya.

Hello Sexy Man!
I took a motorbike taxi from my hotel on Soi Buakhao to the top of the soi 6 street. A big part of the fun of Soi 6, in my opinion, is to walk the gauntlet from the top of the street to the bottom of the street. Whilst walking down the street you will notice that there is bar after bar lining both sides of the entire street. When walking down the street lovely young ladies, and sometimes young ladyboys, will attempt to grab you and pull you into their bars, this is all part of the fun.

Easy to Find
Located half way down Soi 6, Toy Box is easy to find. Arriving at the bar I was greeting at the entrance to the bar by two or three young ladies encouraging me into the bar. I entered and sat down at a table and ordered a drink. I looked around the bar for Sao but was unable to see her. After a while I thought that she may be have already been short-timed and was with a customer. I decided to ask the bar staff if she was working that day and she pointed to a girl sitting at the entrance to the bar.

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